Saturday, September 10, 2005
i think i'm pretty much done here.
i'm getting sick of the posts and everything.
so msn, email me for my new blog add!
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Friday, September 09, 2005

the cute UNDERRATED one.
everytime i'll blog about meimeiruiruimeimeiruirui..
i hardly blog about the elusive little_rach85.
but she has a special place in everybody's heart lar.
shes the CUTE one of the group.
(not like that ajm, ajm is ACBC but rach is NASC.)
what is NASC you may ask.
NASC stands for Not Acting Still Cute.
she is cute even when she frowns, snores, laughs, shouts, raises her hands in the most chorlor fashion.
she cannot escape her CUTE destiny, but its inborn lar girl. no point trying to convince us otherwise.
anybody who sees her will exclaim: oh so cute!! doesn't she look like she's 15!
and then little_rach85 will grimace and retort: i hate people calling me cute.
but to her utter dismay, she looks even cuter when she's angry.
i owe her an apology lar.
because she seems rather sad that she rarely makes an appearance here.
there little_rach85, u see, i even do collage for u lor... i am a gd fliend sia.
she's a special one alright.
she doesnt disturb me when i doze off on the train, unlike other people who'll shake me up for sleeping and force me to carry on a decent conversation with them in my very sleepy state.
she's the ON one. even if shes tired and there's a sudden last min plan to go kboxing or clubbing, she'll be there.
she entertains me in class when everyone else is paying attention.
she's one of the main partners-in-crime when we start jacking AJM.
without her.
there cannot be a complete redang girls.
she used to be the Ocube.
Odd One Out.
but now no more lar.
she's the
Odd One In.
love you love you.
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ajm is still wonderfully productive in her shingly state! heheh.
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ajm is still wonderfully productive in her shingly state! heheh.
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Thursday, September 08, 2005

this is her. and her major ailment.
shingle bells shingle bells shingle bells rock.
shingle sleigh and shingle bells ring.
not funny.
ajm has got shingles.
its supposedly a really big deal.
2 days ago when she complained about a small tiny 20cent rash.
i brushed it off with a laugh.
telling her: aiya, must be u smelly, never take your bath, dirty then kanna rashes.
now i'm really eating my words.
eventhough hers is really minor....
(a good thing she went to the doc early, its only the size of a 50cent coin.)
i know it can get pretty jialat.
in chinese, they call it snake or something.
it supposedly looks like one, the "rash" goes in circles.
acc. to the doctor, its contagious and very deadly for old people.
if it were on your face and your eyes got infected, you'd go blind.
she can get a 2 week mc if she wants to.
but that woman.. dont know what snapped in her brain, still wants to report for work.
so i can't meet her for awhile. i dont want to catch it also can....
i say its retribution for skipping work for one week, claiming she had "mumps".
now see lar!! really got somehing big happen.
i hope she gets well.
then we can eat ajisen ramen together.
take care lar my acbc friend.
who to laugh at if u can't hang out with us?

courtesy of ajm
this picture is sent by ajm.
a true depiction of exactly where her shingles are.
she says my earlier pic posted is too unprofessionally done and besides her shingles are not so jialat.
contestant no.1 has backed out of the competition.
because, seriously.....
who wants to enter this kind of competition?!
miss shingly 2005?!!!
poor rui.. kanna forced to join.
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Wednesday, September 07, 2005
ruirui and i have a very HIGH level of friendship.
our friendship is so special that she keeps it a secret.
yeah a SECRET.
one fine sunny day.
down the streets of orchard road.
a surveyor walked up to us, insisting that we did her survey.
i wanted to hurry away.
but rui and rachel being the nicer ones agreed.
so there i was in the sweltering heat, watching the 2 of them fill in the forms.
i was standing next to rui when she announced: sophia i help u fill in ah.
then even the surveyor was suprised lar.
ruiru wrote down all my particulars, details, preferences and dislikes without a word.
as if it was second nature.
i was so touch-ched can.
then the surveyor asked: wow! you 2 look like really good friends yeah?
there i was, with all my enthusiam, bobbing my head up and down and saying: oh yeah we are very close leh.
then guess what rui said without even looking up from the pad of paper: huh? OK friends only lar.
i nearly killed her can.
and she had the audacity to think it was DAMN funny.
later on when the surveyors left us she went on and on about how hilarious my enthusiastic reply was.
"hahahhahahah damn funny sia! i like damn calm cool and collected then u down there so enthu"
leeruirui. i will get you!
we're always on a relentless quest for material things.
i want that bag, i want that pair of shoes, i want that top, i want this! i want that!
i want i want i want.
there's always a new trend emerging, a new style u like, more accessories to acquire to match your clothes, more clothes, yeah more and more clothes.
everyone who has bought clothes we did not want in a sale which still has its tag attached say "aye".
i dont know.
my favourite top now, sooner or later just gets buried right at the back or underneath another newer pile of clothes.
i buy buy buy.
then stash stash stash.
wear the same few favourite pieces.
or i buy a brand new top, wear it once.. and it'll never see the light of day ever again.
all that money.
IF i had saved it.
will amount to a pretty substantial figure.
maybe retail therapy isn't exactly therapy afterall.
at least not for me, because it burns a huge hole in my already burnt pocket.
oh shucks.
i wish i'd cut down on all my stupid purchases.
and mend that burn.
school's starting real soon....
oh the joy!
and im not being sarcastic here.
4 and a half months of holidays is a wee bit too long.
lets hope i wont bite my own tongue when school is in full swing and i badly need a break.
let the festivities begin!!
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Monday, September 05, 2005
one day my mom told me liars go to hell.
and u know how when u tell one small lie.
it just wouldn't end there.
u'll have to lie to cover up your first lie.
and then, a 3rd lie to cover up the 2nd and 1st one.
and it'll be this big huge merry-go-round, where the mountain of lies just grows and grows.
and finally when things don't seem to tally, the different lies contradict each other.
thats when the bubble bursts, right in your own damn face.
and the only idiot is you.
standing there.
realising that...
maybe, it wouldnt have been that bad telling the truth in the first place.
maybe, it'll save you from the constant gnawing of guilt in your heart.
maybe, your conscience will not haunt you in the dead of the night when u jerk out of sleep while u dreamt of the worst scenario that could happen because u lied.
lying is bad.
didn't your mom ever tell u that?
but then again,
who has never told that white lie.
the white lie that get you out of your chores.
the white lie that u tell to wriggle out of difficult situations.
the "oh i can't go because my cat died." (yeah i have a friend who uses it all the time. wth right?!! and he doesn't even own a cat. i thought lame-ass excuses like that will never work but people actually believed him.)
but white lies ARE still lies right?
oh -sigh- the debate rages on.
i just watched america's next top model.
if u thought Singaporean's can hardly read.
look at our American counterparts. seriously.
i like the word "and" alot.
AND use it alot in mypost.
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Saturday, September 03, 2005
my daddy.
has only 1 kidney.
it is saturday.
3rd sept.
not a very good day at all.
i'm tired.
nights world.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
yakun, youtiaos, bbq-ed chilli sotongs, chricken cutlet rice, chicken wings, selegie tau huay, mcspicy birger, curly fries, 9 piece mcnuggets, normal fries, soya bean, green tea, prata, beef bowl...
ive been eating so damn much.
moreever, rachel and i even made last minute plans for a food hunt.
which we fulfilled.
yes, i cant believe it.. we actually walked to sunshine plaza, selegie.... all for the sake of food.
the moment any one of us gets our license.
it'll be geylang for supper. no more lets walk to 201 nearby for prata.
oh fuck.
i can hardly move now.
goodness gracious me.
i need to start swimmming/joggin.. ok exercising.
i am a living breathing blob.
blob, i am.
pulsating... wobbling... vibrating.. quivering.. bumbling.... blob of blobber.
today stupid mr.z wrestled with me.
and when i tried to punch him.
i ended up hitting my wristbone against his stupid kneecap.
now even typing HURTS.
and he pinned me down n pulled my hair.
pain can.
use what magazine hit people.
i am so pissssssssed off..
after that when i hit his 2 front teeth.
still dare to show face and throw tantrum.
complaining about how violent i am.
u are the irritating violent one.
i wouldnt have hit u, if u, themoronicretardofthecentury didnt start it!!!!!!
he started the fight by using his stupid newman magazine to hit my leg nonstop.
who wouldnt get angry right.
somemore it isnt those hit lightly play play kind. its the "use full force/alot of strength" type.
damn painful lar.
i kanna bruises for no rhyme or reason.
my dad called me on my mobile asking me if i wanted dinner.
u see, usually my mom does the calling, but we're not talking. u get my drift....
daddy: girl u want dinner?
me: anything. where are u?
daddy: mommy and i are in TM. what u want to eat?
me: i dont know..
daddy: u want nasi nonya?
me: whats nasi nonya? (i was thinking alongh the lines of some peranakan dish cuz got the word nonya right? or like something close to nasi lemak.)
daddy: that jap food lar. u know the beef rice one. nasi nonya.
me: WHAT?! nasi nonya? never heard of it before leh.. where u getting it from. what is that?
-then i heard my mom laughing in the background-
mommy: its yoshinoya!!!
HAHHAHHAHAHAH. my daddy's the funniest cutest father ever.
so now my mom and i are..... not talking but at least she laughed over the phone right?
that counts for something.
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tonight, on the way home.
candle in the wind was playing on class95.
yeah remember elton john on the piano singing that song...
rachel and i both mumbled in unison: princess diana.
then it struck us..
its been 7 years since her funeral was broadcasted on channel5.
and what a long 7 years its been.
to think im only 20 and already feeling nostalgic and getting all sentimental.
what will i be thinking when im 30, 40 or even 50?
20 and feeling old, the irony.
the mother and i had another major shouting match.
yes, at 2 am in the morning.
its been happening so often lately.
she barged into my room and in an accusatory tone stated that she wouldnt mind slapping my face eventhough i'm 20.
i ignored her.
ignoring is always bad.
so she started her list of why i am sucha "slapmyface" daughter.
and that she totally does not understand WHY?! WHY?! i am sucha person.
then i ended it all by saying: yeah u can't understand because we're of different GENERATIONS! ok? get it?
then she shouted some incoherent sentences before heading back to bed.
i'm suprised my dad didn't wake up amidst all the noise.
sometimes i really do wonder why we even have our same stupid arguments over and over again.
yet when we're on good terms, we'd go shopping together and she'd treat me to whatever i want to makan.
perhaps its her over-concern.
or the fact she's going through menopause soon lar...
i just hope things will die down soon enough and all this shit will blow over.
i'm damn tired.
and honestly quite sad.
ive been pretty close to my mom since i was a kid.
much closer as compared to my friends.
yeah haha, we do compare notes about whether we're close to our moms or not.
so mommy, my best bet is that ull read this post.
because although you vehemently deny that u read my blog.
you're always damn spot on about so many things that are happening in my life.
how else can u know except through this avenue?
i apologise here.
i'm sorry mommy.
but if u do not read this.
i wont apologise again.
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